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I saldi della stagione dello shopping potrebbero intrappolarvi. Ecco come scoprirlo

Risparmiate fino all'80% sulla spedizione internazionale e non pagate l'imposta sulle vendite negli Stati Uniti!

Beware, the festive season could be the perfect time for marketers to trap you. When you are in a fun mood and willing to spend, you are also most vulnerable to businesses who want the rapid sale of their goods. As the festive season begins, you loosen your purse strings and go on a shopping spree as everything you want and don't want are available at 'unbelievable' prices-from electronics to automobiles to home furnishing… the list is endless. You find it difficult to resist the urge to buy the products you like, run out of money and 'conveniently' admit that we are 'shopaholics'.No matter how hot it is right now where you live, it’s time to start thinking about the winter holidays. That’s because you have several weeks to set the stage for strong Black Friday weekend sales. Now’s the time to make your shopping list, plan for which holiday-sale offers is the best, hatch a gift wrap plan, and find out how your sites which can offer same-day delivery or the shipping company which can club your products, try ship7.comHowever, this may not be true. Maybe you're not a shopaholic after all but have succumbed to the influence of car.Watch out for these tricks if you do not want to overspend this festive season: The unreal urgency: Last day? Limited stock? Are you really going to fall for this? It is understandable if one falls for freebies and discounts, but try not to take the bait. If you had missed the recent festive sale, don’t be sad, there is always another festive season approaching. If nit black Friday, there is always the Christmas season sale waiting for you!Useless freebies: It is a known fact that there are no free lunches in this world, but most of us have an obsession for a free gift. Many times we fail to check whether the freebie we are being offered is really worth it. Sample this: There's a sale that says buy 5 T-shirts and get the sixth one free. Here, the vendor will bill the consumer on the most expensive 5 T-shirts at MRP and the lowest will be given free to you - not that great a monetary deal after all, isn't it? It is always better to get a price discount on individual items rather than get one item free with a bulk purchase as you have more choice in the former situation. The fear of loss: The fear of losing out on a lucrative deal is one of the most effective ways to boost sales for a retailer. But does it really benefit you? For instance, on the occasion of Black Friday, a mobile dealer is offering free insurance as a 'limited period' offer, but this shouldn't be the reason you buy your mobile from him or her. Even if you defer your purchase post-Black Friday or make it before, you hardly stand to lose anything. After this limited period offer, he may give you free accessories worth a similar amount and charge you for insurance. Such offers keep on changing and are more or less comparable. Therefore, it is always recommended to pick the one which is most suitable for you after proper research and checking with other dealers.Big Savings - The doughnut with a large hole: Many times unrealistic discounts and big savings are advertised across pages and pages of newspapers and ads which pop up on your browser. But when you actually go to buy you find that the price is double or much more than what you saw in the ad. Sample this: There is a full page that caught your eye saying 'save up to $100 on your next air conditioner'. Sure, $100  is 'big' savings, but this information could be incomplete. There's a good possibility that this discount is available only the 'select' products that are insanely overpriced or you may have to exchange your old appliance at a throwaway price to avail this discount. The deceptive discounts: Think of shopping during a sale, it makes you frugal and wise? Thing again. Let's say there is a sale that says 'up to 30%* discount'. Again, the figure may look good but it could be deceptive. The asterisk here usually means that the 30% discount will be given to you on a minimum purchase of $150 or more. So in your effort to be an economical shopper and avail the maximum 'benefit' of the sale, you end up spending much more than what you originally intended to. Such kind of discounts may benefit volume consumers but those originally planning to spend much less are unlikely to get any substantial benefit from this sort of discount induced shopping.How not to fall prey Prioritize: Learn how to differentiate between your want and needs, do not pile up your house or your place with unwanted things which will overshoot your budget by a mile.Resist peer pressure: A lot of youngsters spend on otherwise useless purchases just because their friends, peers or people around them is doing it. Just don’t spend because others are spending, think over it before you spend.Don't shop to de-stress: Some people do shopping as a therapy just to de-stress them. This therapy has side effects that can make matters worse. Also, experts say that people who turn to shop to de-stress are only digging a deeper hole for themselves. What you should do: Be a frugal shopper, especially during the festive season. However, this doesn't mean that you should be stingy and never buy. When there is a sale on, the dealer's focus is on generating high sales volumes by lowering the price. So, if you're a volume buyer, sales may help you save some money if you buy wisely and don't fall for the usual 'sale' tricks. Even so, be aware that many vendors hike prices before a sale and then offer artificial discounts. While some discounts may well be real, go for the purchase if you really need the item and were planning to buy it anyway irrespective of the sale or are sure that you will need the item in the future. Doing your market research beforehand about the price and quality of the product on offer is also important to be able to recognize and avail of a 'real' discount. Further, try to get a straight discount on individually priced items instead of 'buy 2 get 1 free' type of offers or those that come with freebies.

Conclusion - Ship7: Last, but not least, don’t worry about a shopping from US or UK websites. Register with Ship7 and get your US or UK shipping address and start shopping. Ship7 is your USA mailbox that has the best features!

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Risparmiate fino all'80% sulla spedizione internazionale e non pagate l'imposta sulle vendite negli Stati Uniti!