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La inteligencia artificial desempeña un papel importante en el comercio electrónico - ¡Una sinopsis!

Ahorre hasta un 80% en envíos internacionales y no pague impuestos de venta en EE.UU.

Artificial Intelligence - Making its mark in industries such as marketing, finance, and healthcare is finally up for taking e-Commerce to the next level. Artificial Intelligence will be used in creating pre-emptive solutions and taking big decisions towards delivering insights.

As it is the age of Snapchat and Instagram, the software platforms are in the process of developing visual search capabilities. Customers can upload a visual image where AI would be used to search products similar to the image uploaded. Now, customers can say goodbye to the traditional ways of searching for the products i.e. finding in categories or finding by typing product description in search column. Artificial intelligence reads the cues such as color, brand, size, shape, fabric texture etc. to map products similar to the uploaded image. This feature would be especially beneficial for mobile users.


Merging Offline and Online Market

Artificial intelligence collects an enormous amount of information about a customer and their behavior while purchasing online. It enables tracking buying and search patterns of a particular customer and the reviews he or she may have posted somewhere on the web about a particular product. Businesses can know their likes and dislike according to the product requests they make when inventory is over, the number of stars they might give to a product, products added to wish list or cart but never bought etc. All this information once collected can be easily accessible by the brick and mortar counterpart of the online business. Such information about the customer inferred from the online activity comes handy when they visit the brick and mortar retailer.


Artificial Intelligence is being remarkably used by the e-commerce players of all size to make their portals personalized for each and every customer. All the information about shopping habits, customer product preferences, insights from the cart and reviews given by customers etc., is gathered with the help of artificial intelligence. All this information is used to create a personalized feed for the customers whenever they visit the e-Commerce site or the mobile app. Artificial intelligence also brings a seamless customized customer experience across all channels, i.e., mobile app, online channel and brick and mortar retail stores.

Retargeting Potential Customers

Sometimes the consumer data is collected and the companies' databases are flooding with it but nothing much is actually done about it. IT is to be understood that this is intelligent data that could be used as a gold mine to dig sales out of the customers.Artificial intelligence solves the purpose. It follows the footprints of the customer and captures information about the products where a customer has roamed about the most. Next time when the customer is online, he or she will be shown the advertisement or some offer on the same product he or she was lingering the last time they were online. This increases the chances of the customer to make a purchase. It is also called product remarketing.

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Creating an Efficient Sales Process

Everything discussed above is the initiative to create an efficient sales process or sales cycle and all of it is made possible due to artificial intelligence. One should understand that all the efforts done by these big e-Commerce giants, however simple or complex they may be, boil down to only one major goal and that is creating an efficient sales process. All that is done is done to move the inventory out of the system and move the revenue in with a substantial amount of growth in profit every year or quarter. Artificial intelligence is changing the face of e-commerce sales for good!

One way to take advantage of the benefits of AI for ecommerce is by shopping tablets internationally. How to Shop Tablet Internationally? Doing so can give you access to a wider selection of products offered by manufacturers, and at better prices than you may find in your local market.

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Ahorre hasta un 80% en envíos internacionales y no pague impuestos de venta en EE.UU.