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Find a style that suits you from the back-to-school selections of the greatest brands and retailers. Join Ship7 now to enjoy back-to-school shopping and take advantage of the lowest shipping rates worldwide. Shop online to save your time and ship with Ship7 to save the most money on back-to-school shopping! Worldwide delivery with Ship7 from the most popular stores in the US and UK!


target back to school shopping

Low prices & great deals for school at Target! Check now and get ready for new school season!


back to school shopping from amazon

Back to school is back! Shop from Amazon for deals on backpacks, headphones and other back-to-school essentials.


shop from walmart for back to school

Your one-stop shop for an awesome year here we go! Shop must-have supplies by class or grade from Walmart.

4-The Children's Place

shop from childrens place

From tops and bottoms to shoes and essentials...They're the PLACE for everything back to school! Check now.


shein back to school

School’s around the corner. Have you picked out first-day outfits? Check out these kid’s back-to-school looks. Shein is here to help. Create your style from Shein till the first day of school!

6-OshKosh B'gosh

OshKosh B'gosh

Run with your style! Kick it back to class in their latest pairs. Shop from Oshkosh B'gosh, ship to your country.


shop from kohls

Check Kohl's and get your kids classroom-ready with school uniforms, backpacks, gym clothes and dorm!

8-Bed Bath & Beyond

Bed Bath & Beyond

They've got starter packs for every type of student! Shop for dorm decor and more from Bed Bath & Beyond. Check now and shop freely!

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Economize até 80% em remessas internacionais e não pague imposto sobre vendas nos EUA!