

Things You Need For Yoga

If you are looking for something new in your life and don't know where to start, yoga can be a good choice. Since yoga becomes more popular lately, It might help you to reach a better mental and physical state. Take your coffee and enjoy the yoga guide Ship7 made for you. You can shop from the USA & UK for everything you need for yoga and say hi to a better lifestyle.

Once you sign up with Ship7, you will receive your free USA & UK addresses and start online shopping. You don't have to go out and search for anything. You can find thousands of choices on online shopping, and even If the store doesn't have worldwide shipping, don't worry. Get your packages to your doorstep with Ship7. Click here to sign up with Ship7. International shipping has never been this cheap before. Consolidate your packages into one box and get delivered quickly with the carrier you chose! Shop tax-free from the USA with Ship7!

Shop from USA ship to your country - ship7

Why Do We Need Yoga?

Do you wonder how she looks so fit and energetic all through the day? It's the magic of yoga. If you have never tried it before, it is time to take up yoga for a unique mind-body experience. This is a meditative physical activity that aims to increase awareness in the body and move it to all areas of life. It is one of the sports that is very difficult to give up once you start and feel the difference in your body even from the beginning.

Do not take up because it sounds cool, or everybody is doing it. Try it for the array of benefits it brings. Yoga tries to achieve calmness in mind and soul through poses and meditation. Although it is a physical activity, the benefits are mental and spiritual. Yoga is a good workout that targets all muscles of the body. It makes the body flexible, helps in losing fat, and increases strength. Yoga improves bone health and increases blood flow and promotes a healthy lifestyle. Yoga has positive effects on mood, so people who do practicing are usually more focused and less prone to feel stressed. So this is a journey through your mind and body that has eight limbs.

These limbs are

  1. Yama deals with one's ethical standards
  2. Niyama is about self-discipline
  3. Asana is the third one with practiced postures
  4. Pranayama focuses on breath control
  5. Pratyahara means sensory transcendence
  6. Dharana setting or concentration
  7. Dhyana is the uninterrupted flow of concentration
  8. Samadhi is the final stage and a state of ecstasy
practise pose namaste

With so many benefits, it is time you say yes to it. So, roll out the mat and get into a pose. Wait, you can't start like that. You need the proper gear. How about learning more about shopping for yoga? Okay, you have joined a yoga studio and want to have your yoga gear. Although most studios provide mats and other props, it is a good idea to have your own stuff that you can use at home also.

Choose The Best Yoga Mat

The thing you need to be careful when you choose your yoga mat is thickness. Usually, a yoga mat is no thinner than 3 or 4 mm. Some of them are satisfied with these mats, while others prefer thicker mats than these. If you choose the mat too thick, your feet can be embedded in the balance poses such as Vrksasana. You can not feel the place entirely and get full support from the floor with your feet. What kind of yoga you do is another factor in your choice of mat. If you are doing Ashtanga or Vinyasa, the smoothness of the surface of your mat is the most important. A simple mat is enough if you're doing Hatha yoga.

Choosing a mat made from ecological and natural materials might be the most critical point because of the nature of Yoga discipline and getting close to nature and saving the elements of it. You can check Jadeyoga for natural rubber mats made in the USA. They produce nonslip and eco-friendly mats. Jade team plants a tree for every yoga mat they sold. Since this is a great opportunity to contribute the nature. You can shop from the USA for the best yoga mat for you and get them delivered at your home with Ship7.

Yoga mat - Jadeyoga

Choose Your Outfit

Apart from a mat, you need breathable and comfortable clothes to practice the poses easily. Are you wondering where to get these items? Thankfully, you don't have to waste your time visiting shops to find the right clothes or yoga props. You can shop online from the USA and get your package to your home with Ship7 even if the store doesn't ship to your country.

The choice of fabrics that absorbs sweat and makes it easy to throw out also prevents you from feeling uncomfortable when you are in the pose. Comfortable yoga clothing with elastane added provides maximum comfort and also helps the freedom of movements during exercises much easier. Tight leggings should be your priority, rather than plenty of tracksuits. Beyond Yoga and Athleta are great stores for yoga clothes. Since Beyond only focus on yoga clothes might be easier to find what are looking for instead of losing with a lot of details.

Yoga clothes - gaiam

Buy Blocks and Make Your Poses Easier

The task of yoga blocks is to make you comfortable in poses. Everyone's body type is different. Someone has longer arms and legs. Some are very flexible, not some. Foam blocks that make you more comfortable when you take your poses are a rescue material for when you can't reach the floor. You can improve your postures more easily thanks to the yoga blocks required, especially for beginners. You should check Gaiam for the yoga blocks. Gaiam is one of the most popular yoga brands in the USA. They have not only blocks but also a lot of qualified yoga equipment. If you are looking for the easiest way to start yoga, you can also check their top-selling yoga kits.

Yoga blocks - gaiam

Buy Yoga Straps and Extend Your Stretches

Straps are best used to make the arms longer. When you're trying to reach your toes in a seated forward fold and it seems too far away, use a strap to reach your feet to get some extra traction and stretch. The yoga belt, which is an auxiliary material, is especially useful for stretching the back of the knees or extending your arms further. This equipment, known as a yoga strap, is a must for beginners since stretching might be hard at the beginning. Online shopping from the USA and UK will enable you to buy the latest items from reputed brands and prevent you from spending a lot of time to find what you need. You can check Hugger Mugger for straps and increase your stretches.

Even If you live outside of the USA, you can still have your products with Ship7. Get your free USA address and use it at checkout. Ship7 will ship your items to your door.

Yoga Straps - hugger mugger

Take Your Meditation Pillow and Relax

The meditation pillows allow you to find and maintain a comfortable sitting position during yoga or meditation. These pillows are part of every yoga enthusiast. It is also ideal for relaxation moments. Meditation pillow brings just enough height and support to your meditation practice, allowing the delicate curves of your spine to fall into place for extended periods of comfortable sitting.

You deserve the best. When it comes to yoga wear like tees or pants or props like straps and bolsters, you need high-quality products that suit your requirements. The props should look good, motivate you to give your best, and also be durable. Price is also a huge factor. Today when we can buy any product from any brand through online shopping, you should get the best yoga products for yourself from the USA. Here is a great store Yogaoutlet has you can everything for yoga from a lot of popular yoga brands. Also, taking advantage of sales on the website might be nice to save more on international shipping.

After you find everything you want for yoga in online stores, you don't have to worry that the online shops may not deliver to your current location? There is no reason to worry as the Ship7 makes sure the shop from USA ships to your country.

meditation pillow

If you do not have time to join a studio, you can follow Adriene on Youtube. Yoga with Adriene is an excellent channel to learn yoga at your convenience. You can prefer to use great apps to find motivation and start learning from the beginning.

Here are some apps that you can simply install to your phone and start yoga immediately.

  1. GloCost: $18/month
  2. Pocket YogaCost: $3
  3. 5 Minute YogaCost: Free
yoga meditation ship7

Designed by renowned designers and made with the best quality materials, you get the best yoga equipment from the most popular yoga brands in the world. Gain access to thousands of USA and UK stores and shop for what you are really looking for. This is also the most economical way to shop. You can get your packages to your country with Ship7 and save more. Yes, combine the purchases from different shops and get those shipped to your home without any extra cost. You can save with free Ship7 consolidation service and avoid paying shipping costs separately for your every shipment.

So, find the best for you on online yoga shopping from the USA. Now, just hit the mat and find out how amazing yoga is. Take some time with yourself and be patient for results that will make you more flexible, healthy, calm, and efficient. Never too late to experience this unique journey.


