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Everlane, the e-commerce fashion major has opened its physical boutique in downtown Manhattan in the US, as early as December 2017, according to a report by Businessinsider.in. Everlane is a brand, which is renowned for setting the highest standard on a gamut of aspects such as quality, affordability, and ethical processes in its clothes.Phenomenal SuccessEverlane's stated objective of excellent quality clothing made through ethical processes had borne fruit, so to say, if its growth statistics are anything to go by. Back in 2015, Everlane achieved revenue of $35 million, which showed an upward swing of a whopping 200% from its 2013 sales. If you take the sales of 2016, the firm had made revenue of another $51 million. An interesting point to note here is the fact that the apparel brand Everlane had achieved all these growths only through e-commerce business that too just the clothing brand. Although the e-commerce major's CEO Michael Preysman always maintained that he would never contemplate on getting into the physical retail segment, nevertheless, to expand its scope of revenue generation, the company took a plunge and unveiled maiden clothing outlet at the happening Prince Street in New York's SoHo neighborhood, according to the report.

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Look and FeelJessica Tyler of Business Insider visited the boutique personally to figure out the shopping experience at a brick and mortar store. She says that the fashion label while calling its first brick and mortar store, Everlane IRL is matching the simple aesthetic of the online store. Besides being bright and airy, the store was fully packed with shoppers, when she visited the outlet. Taking a cursory glance from the storefront itself reveals the kind of crowd and the ambiance as it is fitted with 100% glass so that one can see the whole store from outside. She also points out that considering that the outlet is in a small storefront in SoHo, it appears to be pretty big.Another peculiarity is the fact that the outlet has high ceilings, replete with jumbo skylights and fluorescent light is a big no. "The first thing you would notice when you step into the outlet is an exquisite lounge area with boxed water, decorative paints, a neighborhood guide and pictures of the denim factory", Tyler writes. Subsequently, it makes for a comfy space to get some work done or take a break from shopping if the shoppers were anything to go by, she points out.Brand CommitmentThe brand commitment is so evident in the store, says the report and corroborating the fact that Tyler sees signs all over the outlet written about the firm's brand commitment. The sign states that for every product bought from this 100% Human collection, $5 will be donated to the American Civil Liberties Union, the report added.


