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After intense research, Google is contemplating on transforming the online experience altogether, just by kick-starting with a slew of beauty brands, says a US Campaign report. Unlike the earlier online shoppers, the current crop of shoppers is not only demanding, but also very curious, fussy and a lot more impatient says the report and terms the new generation online shoppers are like toddlers. The issues faced by the marketers in the beauty sector is worse than any other sectors, says the report. To corroborate the fact, the report quotes Pixability study and says that around 40% of all shopping-related queries are for broad terms such as "make-up" or "face cream." Despite all these issues, the beauty industry is witnessing an exponential rise in sales. For instance, on YouTube, views for videos in the beauty and personal care categories showed an upward tick of 65% year on year, eliciting in excess of 222 billion views a year.Google has AnswersHaving said that, the IT major says it has answers to all these issues. For instance, Alphabet's prized gem is headed for the biggest overhaul of how consumers experience online shopping. In fact, Alphabet is doing this with a trifecta attack, roughly broken down into themes such as shopping experience data as well as messaging, noted the report.Brian McDevitt, Industry Director for Consumer Packaged Goods, Google tells Campaign that the company will be evolving. Google is contemplating on presenting more curated shopping results to provide a more natural and organic way of discovering a slew of products. According to McDevitt, earlier, it was not been a very visual experience.

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Manufacturer CenterGoogle's secret weapon from its armory is Manufacture Center, says the report. "Think of this tool as the backbone for the digital shelf space that a beauty brand would want to have with Google. Brands that upload and share all product information, descriptions and pricing will give Google a very clear sense of a particular product. This will ultimately unlock an array of different shopping experiences that can be teased across Google.com, YouTube, Google Express and its countless other platforms", the report pointed out.Different stepsOffering brands the opportunity to share more details with Google is step one and secondly, it is to find a way to use this information to make the online shopping experience more visual, more all-encompassing. It’s unclear how this would look. But envision a future search as an enhanced version of Showcase Shopping Ads (the string of pictures showing branded products that line the top of devices after a search for something vague like "makeup"), says the report.Then there’s YouTube. "We know that there are all these moments where creators and influencers are talking about products," McDevitt said and added, "It seems like a very natural place to shorten the journey to retail by making product discovery much more intuitive in those moments."Personal InformationMarrying retailers with consumers’ individual brand needs and wants will, of course, require your personal information, the report says and adds that your online footprint will play its most vital role yet."If you think about Google in totality, we have seven different properties with over a billion users that allow us to generate a rich tapestry of signals about a particular user. From Google Search, I get a very good sense of what this user is searching for, from Google Maps I have a really rich understanding of the location. From YouTube, I understand what they’re watching. So all of those signals across all these different properties give me a great understanding of what this consumer is interested in", McDevitt said.Stepping up Data GameAs far as the brand side of it is concerned, Google has also stepped up its data game by continuing to provide insights so that brands better understand their consumers. MAKE UP FOR EVER, for instance, based a campaign to launch its Ultra HD Foundation on surprising data it unearthed, added the report.


