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As the secret in the e-commerce business is termed and depends upon better interaction with consumers which leads to better transactions’. There are various ways to creatively improve e-commerce customer experience that will generally increase customer loyalty and ultimately your profits.Enhance Website Navigation (Product Search)Generally, online shoppers fall under three different categories based on an individual’s expectations, intentions, and needs. It includes the following:People who already know what they are looking for - Shoppers who know exactly what they want will go directly to the product search bar. When strategically placed, your customers will easily find what they are looking for. In some situations consumers don't remember the exact name of the product, in such cases, auto completion of the word can relief surfers for re-purchase. This significantly improves the customer experience.To know the consumers and to understand the likes of people surfing through e-commerce websites, your site needs a variety of sorting options such as brand, color, price, and size. With the aid, a consumer can personalize product search ease. Relationship Commerce is an innovative form of continuously engaging with customers and providing fresh, relevant experiences for every touch over the course of a relationship. There are specific requirements to effectively execute Relationship Commerce which include:

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The personalization of many new and different customer experiences across a long relationship, recognizing customers across channels and understanding their changing preferences, adapting customer experiences in real-time to reflect expressions of customer’s interests.Most organizations with data warehouses use transaction-level data in relational databases, but they need to be more like Amazon and Netflix and incorporate customer interactions into models they create before storing user information. E-commerce website must generate details of all orders and history of purchase, eg after the checkout page or confirmation email. Just because it is customer service, doesn’t necessarily mean you have to interact personally with them.Nonetheless, make sure that all your contact information like email and telephone numbers are visible on every page of your e-commerce website. This gives your customers a way to keep in touch with you if they have any inquiries or issues about the product they have purchased. Do not overload your customers with the information they don’t need especially in the FAQ section. Only include information that is necessary, avoid confusing the customer.Regardless of your target market, today’s generation is aware of promotions and communications are done on social media channels like YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. Take advantage of these free platforms by creating and developing strategies that will engage your customers. This can be critical in the success of your business and may be a cost-effective solution for marketing. Your transaction email is most important and you don’t want to compromise. This plays a significant role towards customer’s trust on your business transactions. Your transaction emails can be read by many especially those who have recently completed a sale. These are follow-up emails you send after each transaction.E-commerce websites will benefit from a blog. But for those who don’t have enough time or attention to run a blog, educating with high-quality content doesn’t mean “content marketing.” High-quality visual content would do the same. As you know, people’s attention span is usually low on text but high on visual aids. So, if you create images instead of plain texts in your content, you are capturing customer attention and in turn, motivate people to shop with you while you educate them.


