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In order to grow, every company needs to acquire new customers and sustain the old ones they have. Getting the customer to plunk down cash remains a challenge in this struggling economy. And that’s precisely why it’s important and always will be to lure potential buyer with promotional activities. There is a lot of skepticism about offering the product in discount. But this short-term strategy to boost the sales can do more good than harm. Customers are inherently drawn towards the items on sale. Promotion can spur purchases by established customers, reel in new customers, and draw customers from competitors to buy differently, and stimulate business during the slow period.

Ship 7

Giving your customers great value for good quality product can significantly improve their loyalty to your store. This is especially true for first-time buyers who were influenced to try your product because of your sales offer. This can lead to repeat business and also generate positive word of mouth. Offering discounts, loyalty points for regular shopping will attract customers into your store and most likely draw them into buying items right away. Increased traffic usually comes with increased sales. Shoppers are likely to walk around the store and see other items that may not be on discounted price but are willing to buy those because they have already saved on other items on sale. Before you start cutting down your sales price in hope of drumming up sales, it’s good to know your profit margin, markup, and break-even point. Calculate the best discount price to still make a profit and prepare a marketing plan to encourage new customers. Providing a short-term incentive to your new customers will not hurt your bottom line. In fact, these occasional discounts can help strengthen your customer loyalty and widen your market, ultimately resulting in decent R.O.I.When a new store is launched might be an online or an offline store, the customers need some news regarding the store to make visit the store. The news or the notifications are generally captured based on the care the store owners place on their customers. For example, a store might give some launch coupons for their customers for some initial days worth the shopping value and another store might give their customers some discount worth 10 percent of the total shopping for a greater duration. The customers are most seen in the first store than the second one and the reason being the discount offered to them. The discounts might be for any particular duration but the range and ratio offered must be quite pleasing to the customers.The customers often mirror up to the products of different companies to value the quality of the products. Customers want the ease of checking stock virtually in real time. By linking your systems through system integration you can have your e-commerce store automatically link with your inventory management and reorder if necessary or remove an item from stock with user’s choice. Other retailers also offer to order an item, not in the store and ship it to the customer's address; free of charge via their website but it depends on the product. The products that resonant in the minds and hearts of the customers, is basically of the very comprising prices and at the same time, the quality also matters to a great extent. The sellers cannot comprise their price to provide the goods at a lower price and hence the sellers often use the concept of ‘discount’ and ‘end of season sale’ which grabs the attention of the customers at a varied range and holdbacks customers to show the best products of the company.


