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Les meilleures offres de cinq jours sur Amazon Prime Day 2018 en juillet

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The Amazon Prime Day 2018 just got concluded on July 16, 2018. As of 3:10 ET Prime Day was live. According to, when Amazon's massive 36-hour midsummer sale was happening, the official website was experiencing outages shortly after 3.00 PM EST. Although, the online retail behemoth restored the website now, nevertheless, the firm is likely to have lost solid money is what the report says.Citing Statistica, the report put the previous year's Prime Day sales at $2.41 billion. Hypothetically, if Amazon's Prime Day sales were flat from last year to this year (extremely unlikely, since it's 36-hour versus 30-hour and the holiday is growing rapidly), that would mean, the company might as well have lost at least $1,11,740.74 a minute ($2.41b /(2,160 minutes of Prime Day)). Now if Amazon Prime Day sales take the same 60% year over year sales growth that it did from 2016 to 2017 according to the Amazon Press Release for 2017 to 2018, we can extrapolate that Amazon was set to have sales this Prime Day off at least $3.85b. At $3.85b of sales over 36 hours, Amazon is losing $1,782,407.41 a minute being down ($3.85b / (2,160 minutes of Prime Day)).Heavy LossWhile this assumes a linear progression of sales throughout the entire event and doesn’t account for the surge in sales that likely occurs at the onset of Prime Day, it’s safe to assume based on Statistica’s sales information that Amazon was losing at least $1-2m a minute when the site and app were both completely down, according to the report.

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Amazon Prime Day 2018 was on July 16, Monday and the sale started at 12.00 PM ET and ended the next day. Like what it did last year and two years earlier on, the website was live blogging all of the important and best Prime Day deals. Since Amazon Prime Day's inception in 2015, was comparing Prime Day prices on popular items listed in Amazon's press release to prices for the same or similar items that were available on Black Friday in the previous year. As per the report, Prime Day had handily beaten Black Friday.

  • 2017 Prime Day Vs. Black Friday — 76% Prime Day Prices Were Better Than Black Friday with 5.8% Being Ties
  • 2016 Prime Day Vs. Black Friday — 77% Prime Day Prices Were Better Than Black Friday with 12.9% Being Ties
  • 2015 Prime Day Vs. Black Friday — 64% Prime Day Prices Were Better Than Black Friday with 9.1% Being Ties

Live Prime Day DealsAt the fag-end of the closing of the deals, Amazon products/services such as Kindles, fire tablets, fire sticks and eco were up for grabs with heavy discounts. Let us see five different products:Eco DotThe Eco Dot was available for $29.99, thus having a savings of $20 in contrast with the Black Friday of 2017. The verdict was that Prime Day 2018 deal was the same price as Black Friday 2017.Kindle PaperwhiteThe Kindle Paperwhite was available for $79.99, savings of $40, which was the lowest price ever compared to Black Friday of 2017. The verdict was that Prime Day 2018 deal was $10 better than Black Friday 2017.Fire TV StickThe Fie TV Stick was up for grabs with a price tag of $19.99, with a savings of $20, which was also the lowest price ever compared to Black Friday 2017. The verdict was that the Prime Day 2018 deal was $5 better than Black Friday 2017.Echo ShowThe Eco Show was available for $129.99, with a savings of $100, compared to Black Friday 2017. The verdict was that the Prime Day 2018 deal was $50 better than Black Friday 2017.Echo Second GenerationThe Echo Second Generation was available for $69.99 with a savings of $30 compared to previous year's Black Friday. The Prime Day 2018 was $10 better than Black Friday previous year.Get your shopping done at Amazon and we at will deliver your parcels to your doorstep.

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