Enjoy online shopping with the lowest shipping rates and save up to 80%! Ship7 delivers to your door worldwide.
Let's Check How Ship7 Works
1- Sign up and get your USA & UK addresses
Start taking advantage of the privileges of being a Ship7 member
2-Shop online, use your Ship7 address at checkout
You will be notified when we receive your packages at Ship7 warehouses.
3-Enjoy while waiting for your purchases
You will be received your packages up to the carrier you choose.
Global shopping is easier with Ship7. Shop freely and let us handle the rest!
Basics of shipping to UK from USA.
Join Ship7 and Enjoy Every Advantage as Our Member
Completely FREE membership
Once you sign up, you will receive your USA & UK addresses for free
Combining Packages
We repack your packages and reduce weight and dimension to save more on postage
You can get your packages from different retailers delivered under the same tracking without paying extra
No waiting, same-day shipping
There is no backlog at Ship7. Your packages will be shipped on the same day
No hidden fees
You don't pay fees for membership and additional service
Reach us anytime
submit a ticket at support, and we will be there for you
Buy what you want rom USA & UK, we'll ship to your door. No backlog, same-day shipping!
If you are looking to buy Pilates equipment internationally, learn how to shop Pilates equipment internationally with Ship7! Ship7 makes international shopping easy by providing a free U.S. and UK mailing address and forwarding your purchases worldwide. With Ship7, you can enjoy the benefits of shopping from your favorite USA / UK online stores without worrying about shipping or customs.