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Die besten Websites zum Einkaufen für die Schule

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Back to school season is upon us. Online stores are filled with pencils, crayons, pencil boxes, backpacks . . . The beginning of every school year can be overwhelming and exciting at the same time. Here are some great websites to get ready for back to school.


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They make it sure to get all of the kiddo's supplies at once. Back to school shopping is much more easy with TARGET. They have tons of sales of all the time, which makes saving money easy. Target offers low prices for every school list. Kid's graphic tees&leggings start $5 and 15% off planers&journals on TARGET. You should check cute thermoses and buy one to get one 30% off. For healthy and strong new school year don't forget to check out the "health & wellness essentials" list. Target will also be rolling out more deals in its weekly ad. So be sure to check the ad online to see what's on sale.


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Barnes&Noble is the best place for textbooks; you can save up to 20% off on new textbooks and 70% off on used textbooks. They let you shop by grade online, which takes out the time and hassle of sifting through tons of items you won’t need, depending on what year you’re shopping for. Your one-stop shop for study guides, supplies, planners& more.


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Thousands of back to school products and brands are waiting for you on Amazon. You can easily find what you want from the lists prepared for each grade. If you sign up for Amazon Prime as a student, you can save money with great deals.

Best Buy

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Best Buy is offering special pricing to students who enroll in its student deals program. To take advantage, create a My Best Buy account, and sign up for student deal alerts. Once you've enrolled, special deals will start to appear in your account. These change every week, but recent deals have included up to $200 off select PCs and laptops.

Beste internationale Einkaufslösung!

Sparen Sie mit günstigen Versandtarifen aus den USA, dem Vereinigten Königreich und der Türkei zu mehr als 120 Zielen weltweit. Holen Sie sich Ihre Versandadresse kostenlos und kaufen Sie online ein!

Sparen Sie bis zu 80% beim internationalen Versand und zahlen Sie keine US-Verkaufssteuer!