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How does email marketing help in online industry?

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Email marketing is the act of sending commercial messages, using email. It usually involves email to send advertisements, requests business or donations and is meant to build loyalty, trust or brand awareness. The term email marketing generally referred to sending email advertisement related to a particular product to enhance the relationship between a merchant and his customers. The customers here could be newer or older but the emails act as the medium to convince their customers in buying their products and promoting their brands.Email marketing helps in online industries in many ways such as to increase brand recognition, easily shareable, attract new opportunities, reach a wider audience, save money, expand your network, etc. It also reduces time and effort. It also reduces overhead costs and allows you to save the planet without the use of any resources of nature.

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Easily shareableThey aren’t many forms of marketing as easy to share as digital marketing. With a simple click of the forward button, subscribers can share your deals, news, and offers with their friends. Also when a subscriber shares an email with their friends your brand gains more exposure and credibility with the increase in the number of brand consumers.Reach a wider audienceDrive your email newsletter subscriber back to your website by promoting recent blog posts in each issue. When you just post something in social media it reaches the audience and easily spreads in less time.Expand your networkEmail marketing helps grow your network and build your lists by allowing you to capture the email address through a website opt-in-box. Remember to promote your email newsletter via social media on your website, in products and even in your email signature.Attract new opportunitiesPublishing an email newsletter can help you generate new opportunities such as joint ventures, media interview, speaking engagements and more. All it takes the right person to see your message at right time. The opportunity may not even come from a subscriber, but someone you forwarded to.Save moneySave money and some trees! By going digital, you will avoid printing, paper works, and postage costs. You can design an email newsletter or a have a custom newspaper template which you can use repeatedly in the emails and forward the same to your customers with a better speed than the good old emails which were sent at a snail’s pace.Increases brand awarenessWhen an email is sent to your customer, that means the particular customers are aware and exposed to your brand and products. With certain designs and strategic plans, your business or brand would consistently build value in the shopping market.Easy to createSome of the most successful campaigns utilize simple plain text emails. It is certainly possible to jazz up an email campaign with fancy templates, videos, images, and logos.It has a global reachNo matter where you are or when you need to reach people, targeted emails can reach their targets. There are no boundaries with email marketing.Used for advertising purposeIf you want to advertise your product, you can simply post your add on social media and it will be seen by many people throughout the world. The cost of advertising will also be less and easily spread all over the world.Email marketing is a must. In today’s ever-changing digital world email .marketing tends to take a back seat. Email market is credible, measurable, targeted, shareable and cost-effective tool overlooked by many people at a single point in time. With a proper approach, your online business is sure to benefit from email marketing.

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