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كيفية الإرشاد

كيف تحمي موقع التجارة الإلكترونية الخاص بك من المتسللين؟

وفر ما يصل إلى 80٪ على الشحن الدولي ولا تدفع ضريبة مبيعات أمريكية!

There are quite a lot of vulnerabilities in protecting your e-commerce website against possible hackers. It is a nightmare for you as a website owner of an e-commerce website, when you log in to your website when you find all of your work being altered or all the data being wiped out by a hacker. All your hard earned brand name and reputation of your website would come to a nought within minutes if a crooked hacker pours over the vulnerabilities found on your website. “More insurance companies now cover breaches, with premiums reduced for strong security practices. And lawyers are making sure that cloud providers are held responsible if a customer’s data is stolen from them and otherwise pushing to hold tech companies liable for problems, meaning they need security experts too” source-first postThere are few tips you can judiciously follow that will help keep your website safe. WordPress HostingThe first thing you can do to protect your website from potential hacking is to ensure that the platforms or scripts you have installed on your website are up to date, especially if you have created these tools as open-source software programs. The code of the open-source software programs is easily available. If a malicious hacker wants to hack your website, he/she can pore over this code and look for possible security loopholes. Once they find any platform or script weaknesses, they can easily exploit it and do potential damage by gaining access to your website.If you are a WordPress user, then when you log in, you can see the update icon on the dashboard in the top left corner next to the name of the website. All you need to do is to click the number to access your WordPress updates.

Ship 7

Installation of Security PluginsAfter updating your WordPress, you can use newest security plugins which will prevent any hacking attempt. If you install plugins such as iThemes Security and Bulletproof Security or such other tools built on other content management systems, they can identify potential weaknesses in the platform or script and can block your website being hacked. In tandem, no matter you are running a CMS-managed site or HTML pages, you have to observe the SiteLock, which will close the security loopholes by providing daily monitoring feedback of many things including malware detection, vulnerability identification, active virus scanning, just to name a few. Being an e-commerce website, it is worth investing in SiteLock. Use HTTPSIt would be prudent to use https in your browser bar, while you send any sensitive information to a website. Most of your clients will certainly recognize https as important shorthand for security. If you are sharing the financial information, it would be wise to use https on your browser bar.PayPal SSL CertificateBeing an e-commerce website, your online shoppers will use sensitive financial information like a credit card number, in order to protect them from potential hacking, you need to obtain SSL Certification.  When you really want to make your website more secure and trustworthy that too with moderate investment, then the moderate cost you pay for the certification is worth it. For, the SSL Certification offers an extra level of encryption to your customers, thus protecting from any possible hacking.SQL InjectionsYou should use parameterized queries as you are likely to fall victim to SQL Injections. If you have a web form or URL parameter that allows outside users to supply information, then SQL injections can play spoil sport.  If you leave the parameters of the field open, the hacker is likely to insert code and hack into your database.  You should use parameterized queries, as your code will have specific enough parameters, without giving an opportunity for a hacker to cause damage to your website.

أفضل حل للتسوق الدولي!

وفر الكثير مع أسعار الشحن المخفضة من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية والمملكة المتحدة وتركيا إلى أكثر من 120 وجهة حول العالم. احصل على عنوان الشحن الخاص بك مجانا وتسوق عبر الإنترنت!

وفر ما يصل إلى 80٪ على الشحن الدولي ولا تدفع ضريبة مبيعات أمريكية!