Food and shelter are the basics of human beings. Well, the most essential item after these two basic requirements is the clothing. Though clothing might be a prerequisite in the olden days, it has now become a statement of late as clothing is the biggest necessity line item on your budget, says a report. As clothing needs change with the weather and the seasons, you might as well need separate wardrobes for your work life and personal life, while styles change too over time, notes the report.Tips to maximize your clothing budgetThe report adds few tips to maximize your clothing budget throughout the year. Shop when the season changes. Every time the season changes, clothing stores make way for new styles by sending the previous season's clothing to the sales rack. That's when you pounce. When winter turns to spring, spring turns to summer, summer turns to fall, and fall turns into winter, start browsing the sales racks (and online retailers' sale sections).This technique requires patience, as you have to ignore the brand-new styles at the front of the store and sift for your size in the sales section. But, with items marked down by up to 75 percent, you'll be able to build an entire seasonal wardrobe for the price of a few just-hit-the-racks pieces.Shop during annual holidaysSome shopping days have a reputation for having great deals on clothing. Notable ones include the following sales.

Cyber MondayCyber Monday is a clothing shopper's paradise. Unlike its cousin, Black Friday, which offers item-specific discounts, Cyber Monday offers site-wide discounts, generally 30 percent to 50 percent off. Instead of combing through sale items, just select whatever you want, put it in your online shopping cart, pop in the promo code and watch the price on your total purchase fall.Martin Luther King Jr. DayWhen it comes to the three-day weekend shopping holidays, MLK weekend isn't as big as Memorial Day and Labor Day. And it doesn't have the big appliance deals that Presidents Day has. What it does have, however, are clearance clothing deals. Many major brands, including Gap, Express, Forever 21 and Asos, generally participate and mark their clearance sections down by an additional 50 percent to 70%.Back-to-school season: This is more of a season than a day, but check out Labor Day weekend. Not only is it a three-day weekend but, positioned at the cusp of a new school year, it features tons of deals on clothing, especially at department stores and big-box stores. Fall items will be on sale, and summer items, which are still wearable in many climates, will be on the sales racks.Know when retailers throw their semi-annual sales. In addition to taking part in major shopping holidays, some retailers throw sales of their own. Add these major ones to your calendar.AmazonPrime Day in July (the date for 2018 has yet to be announced) offers discounts on luxury brands, clothing categories such as jeans and Amazon's own in-house clothing brands, which were 40 percent to 50 percent off in 2017.Bloomingdale'sThe luxury retailer throws Friends & Family Sales several times a year, usually in spring, fall and winter. The most recent one just ended on April 15.Dillard'sThe department store is known for its New Year's Day Sale, which takes place on Jan. 1. Clothing can be found for 50% off or more.NordstromEach year, Nordstrom offers a Winter Half-Yearly Sale (usually at the end of the year), a Summer Half-Yearly Sale (usually in early summer) and an Anniversary Sale (July 20 through August 5 in 2018).REIOutdoor and athletic clothing can be pricey. So consider buying all those rain-resistant and hiking duds during the REI Anniversary Sale, which takes place in May every year. Dates for 2018 have yet to be announced.Victoria's SecretEach year, the brand offers two semi-annual sales. They usually take place at the end of December and in June. In 2018, they are running from June 5 to June 19.Zara: The fast-fashion retailer usually throws a semi-annual sale twice per year. The last one started on Dec. 26, 2017, and the next one is expected in June. What makes the Zara semi-annual sale stand out is its sheer length. It's usually about a month long.For formal wear, shop right after New Year's Eve and prom. Department stores usually have limited formalwear on the racks, but there are two times when they're fully stocked – the lead-up to the holidays and prom season. So to maximize selection and minimize price, shop right after Jan. 1 and right after prom in late April and early May, when retailers relegate gowns and sparkly cocktail attire to the sales racks.Tax-free WeekendsWait for tax-free weekends. Many states offer tax-free weekends during which the sales tax is waived on eligible purchases. If you're buying a cart full of clothing items, this can save you a lot of money for the relatively low effort. Check your state comptroller's website to find out if and when your state holds its tax-free shopping weekend. Most take place during the summer. Only certain purchases are eligible for waived taxes on tax-free weekends. However, clothing and shoes, along with school supplies, are often included. Just note that some states place a ceiling on the cost of clothing that's eligible for waived sales tax. Many of the firms and products mentioned in this article are promoted on